Thursday, April 9, 2009

I have unhealthy obsessions

On Tuesday, the course listings for next year were released and I've spent far too much time hunched over my laptop reading through that and the calender plotting my possibly last year as an undergrad. Seriously, I have wasted so much time trying to figure out how much interesting shit I can stuff in one year. I've managed to make a short list of classes to take, but I still need to cut back on one full course or two half courses to fit in a fourth-year project. *Sigh* my life is so difficult.

Here's a nifty table of what I have so far (If anyone out there has opinions please express them, they need not be based on anything):



Membrane Dynamics of the Cell Surface

Principles and concepts of cell biology are covered including the structure, molecular organization and dynamic interactions of cells with each other and the extracellular matrix during cell migration & cell adhesion. The role of cytoskeletal components and cell surface receptors in these processes and in membrane traffic will be addressed.


Membrane Physiology

Biophysics and molecular biology of ion channels. Topics include equivalent circuits for cells, molecular structure of voltage-gated channels, distribution of channels, relationship between single-channel and whole-cell recording and regulation of channel function by voltage, phosphorylation, G-proteins and metabolites.

Regulation of Signalling Pathways

A variety of questions relating to signal transduction are investigated. How is calcium regulated in the cell and how does calcium regulate cell function? How are extracellular signals received and transmitted by intracellular proteins to control cellular proliferation and differentiation? What signalling pathways are triggered by insulin?


Mechanisms of Neural and Endocrinal Secretion

Exocytosis and other aspects of secretion mainly in neurons and neuroendocrine cells, but also in pancreatic cells. Topics include synapse anatomy and physiology, synaptic plasma membrane and vesicle proteins, membrane fusion, genetic tools, endocrine secretion, plasticity in neurotransmitter release, diseases arising from secretion defects.

Seminar in Development I

Seminars analyzing the major problems in developmental biology from cellular, genetic and molecular perspectives.

Seminar in Development II

Students will choose a major issue in contemporary Developmental Biology and critically analyze present and future prospects in that field.

Neuroscience I: Systems and Behaviour

Introduction to systems neuroscience. A review of basic neuroanatomy and physiology followed by in-depth study of selected sensory and motor systems. Students with an elementary neuroscience background progress to reading neuroscience literature on their own.

Neuroscience II: Cellular and Molecular

Overview of the fundamentals of cellular and molecular aspects of brain function. Course material is updated yearly to reflect the rapid evolution of ideas in Neuroscience.

(PSL = physiology, BCH = biochemistry, CSB = cell and systems bio)


Eugenie said...

Geez thats a crapton. Most of those courses would be lumped in either or molecular bio, cell bio, or develemental bio class (there is also a grad level advanced cell bio that undergrads can take... we don't have graduate students at our campus..)

I'm set with my shedule already :-) [immunology, marine conservation, animal behavior and a core class]

LostMarbles said...

UofT has like 50 bajillion different bio and biomedical departments who offer just as many courses. Most of those courses are joint undergrad and grad courses since I've taken the basic physio, molecular, cell, and developmental bio classes.

I just need to decide between the biochem and the physio courses :(